Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Setting a low bar.

Been feeling pretty down lately, almost didn't post today at all. Then I thought, "okay, I'll aim for a really achievable goal, and at least ship that." The plan was:
1. Play and record just one game I wouldn't be ashamed to post in its entirety to the internet.
2. Learn what I need to learn to get that game from SmartGo Kifu on the iPad to the blog. 
That's it. No commentary. No philosophical ruminations. Just push through the tech barrier.

As it turns out, "a game I wouldn't be ashamed to post in its entirety to the internet" is synonymous with winning when I'm already feeling sad and vulnerable.

The bad news: I'm not winning games tonight.
The good news: SmartGo Kifu ranks me at a 2-stone handicap, so the games I'm losing are at least different than the 4-stone handicap I'm stuck on in regular SmartGo Player.
Whilst heating myself some comforting hot chocolate on the stovetop, I continued losing until it gave me 3 stones instead. I'll take it.
Shit yes. I even floundered through enough hoops to get this thing visible. It's not pretty, but it exists. Enjoy.

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